Archive: anyway to escape ! to write !addincludedir to a file

anyway to escape ${NSISDIR} to write to a file
  i want to write the !addincludedir command into a text file from a .nsi

is there a way to either use $\ or quotes so that at compile time the !addincludedir command isn't processes by the compiler?

FileWrite $0 '"$\!"addincludedir $${NSISDIR}\2008\Source\$${APP_NAME}$\r$\n$\r$\n'

thank you

i misunderstood the compiler error, it appears it doesn't like the $${NSISDIR} or at least teh $$ part
is there a way to escape ${NSISDIR} properly? i thought you just added another $


FileWrite $0 '"$\!"addincludedir $${NSISDIR}\2008\Source\$${APP_NAME}$\r$\n$\r$\n'
addincludedir is only a compiler directive....try a define instead:
!define TMP_PLUG "C:\\put\\a\\path\\fully\\qualify"

>; later I can use
!AddIncludeDir "${TMP_PLUG}"
>; Even in
FileWrite$0 ${TMP_PLUG}

i am trying to write a template (.nsi) using FileWrite, the parts i want to write out to the template are "!addincludedir" and "$${NSIS}" so that those are in the template when i later compile the .nsi program the template was used to start

i'll try a define like

!define THATTHING "!"
!define ANOTHERTHING "AddIncludeDir"


but at some point it might be easier to write .vbs to write the template and just fire the .vbs from my .exe

thank you

Why do you have to escape the !?


i don't want !addincludedir to be executed by the compiler, i want to write it to a text file

same with ${NSISDIR}

but i worked around the issue with another way

i was trying to see if there was a way to write anything/everything to a text file, things the compiler would normally view as commands, but since it was contained in a filewrite command, it would ignore it

The compiler will only execute it if it's at the start of the line!! Did you try it?


just to clarify, i was misreading the compiler error at first, this works, you get !addincludedir in your .nsi file

Name "test"

>OutFile "test.exe"
>Section "Test"
>FileOpen $0 template.nsi w
FileWrite$0 "!addincludedir"
>FileClose $0
but if you do this, you get the error "1 warning:
unknown variable/constant "C:\Program" detected, ignoring (E:\tmp\test.nsi:5)" and you get $C:\Program Files\NSIS in your file

Name "test"

>OutFile "test.exe"
>Section "Test"
>FileOpen $0 template.nsi w
FileWrite$0 "$${NSISDIR}"
>FileClose $0

the extra $ in front of ${NSISDIR} doesn't escape ${NSISDIR} the way it does other variables and stuff the way it says in the manual 4.2.4

You're right there. $${BLAH} works but $${NSISDIR} does not :S
You should open a bug report.



!define DOLLAR $

sweet, now i have a workaround if i ever need that again


Name "test"

>OutFile "test.exe"
>!define DOLLAR $
>Section "Test"
>FileOpen $0 template.nsi w
>FileClose $0

Kichik used a few words and the problem is solve :D