Archive: NSIS and Zip files

NSIS and Zip files

I am only just starting to use NSIS and I am very inexperienced so sorry if this is a silly problem, but I have been looking through the documentation and have not found a solution. My situation is that I have a program which zips up a larger program, and that larger program needs an installer/uninstaller. What I need to do is create an installer for this large program and I have chosen to use NSIS to do it with. I have been having a play and what I want to know is if there is a simple or standard way to make an installer that will open the zip file and install its contents . If there is no easy way then is there a way at all? The program that needs to be installed is huge, so I do not want to have to say 'put this file there' for every file in the zip folder, what I want is for the whole process to be automated, so within the installer ideally I want to just give it a zip file and have it do the rest (especially as the zip contents will be changeable over different versions).

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer,

Hayden Devlin

i use the zip plugin to unzip .zip files / ZipDLL_plug-in

there are download plugins to download files via http if the .zip files change periodically and you want them to be able to update the .zip file content easily

Ah yeah that seems to extract files pretty much how I want, but when you try and uninstall the program the extracted files are ignored. How can you make the uninstaller uninstall everthing that was installed? Is it possible?


Hayden Devlin

Actually you don't need any separate program nor plugin to help you create this basic nsis installer.
Let nsis compress the required files, after all it offers the best compression ratio, and if bothers you the preparation, simply use File /r instruction or you may give a try to Nsis Quick Setup Script Generator,