Archive: Extending DLL's / Creating them

Extending DLL's / Creating them

I am looking to either extend some current DLL's or to simply create my own from scratch. Firstly is it possible/allowed to extend other peoples Plugins? Secondly how would one go about making (or extending) a plugin. I dont know what these plugin's are written in nor any kind of format that they should follow or use, so I basically know nothing about them, but I'm pretty certain that for my project I am going to need to get involved with this kind of thing.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer!

Hayden Devlin

Most plug-ins are licensed under the zlib license which allows you to modify and use them as long as you don't claim to have written them.

A basic plug-in skeleton in C, ASM and Delphi can be found in Examples\Plugin. The source code for all of the plug-ins distributed with NSIS come in the source code package.