Archive: Change Radio Button color on Finish Page

Change Radio Button color on Finish Page
After install I have to do a reboot. But now i need to change text color of Radio Buttons on the Finish Page.
Using SetCtlColors I'm able to chenge the background but the Text part is always black :(

Get HWND of radio button

CreateFont $FONT"Tahoma" 10 700 ; make BOLD Font
SetCtlColors $DLGITEM B4D3EA 00FF00; Change colors (background works, text doesnt)
I'm using ExperienceUI Plugin to change skin of installer but when using ModernUI I have the same problem :(
Is there any way to change this? I don't want to make my own Finish Page using IO - the same problem occurs but you can make a Label in place of orginal text and than set it's color

Sory for my bad English :D


I have alredy tested this metod - but this does not work for me - makses installer stop responding :(

did you try using a label for the radio button text?

This is what I did once:

1) Use a radio button without text
2) Add a label next to the radio and use SetCtlColors to the label.


This metod works fine for Custom Pages made using IO and I'm using it all the time :) Label is not clickabe but I can live with that :]
The problem is not with custom pages but with standard installer pages (Finish Page in this case). I don't know how to erase exisiting label and create new one using script - I tried MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE but it doesn't work for me.
I've made that text bold and made extra MessageBox "close all programs and click ok to reboot"

Welcome/Finish page is a standard InstallOptions page, you should be able to manage it like every other custom page.

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
and later
Function ChangeTextColor
# Field 4 = item 1203 = 0x4B3
GetDlgItem $0 $MUI_HWND 0x4B3 ; 'Reboot Now'
CreateFont $1 "Tahoma" 10 700 ; bold
SetCtlColors $0 B4D3Ea 00FF00 ; match ExperienceUI color
SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETFONT} $1 0

Red Wine - I know - but it does not work. Mabe XPUI is made some kind of changes.
demiller9 - this changes background but text is still black Link

Well, maybe its an OS problem. That code worked on Win2000 when I posted it from the office, but it's not working here at home on WinXP.

I'll take this exe with me when I go in and test it under Win2000. Maybe it will work there.


I'd say it's XPUI problem rather than OS.

It's a well known Windows XP (or XPStyle at least) problem.


I have no more time for that problem - i'll have to live with that.
It's time to make my installer reusable :) have to include multiple directories with files without changing code.

Thanks for your help