Archive: buil a screensaver with NSIS

buil a screensaver with NSIS

I made a nice and smooth running screensaver based on this thread.
(Please don't ask why I use NSIS to build a screensaver...)

BUT I got a little problem when I open the settings dialog. The saver launches instantly when it is selected in the savers list and when someone hits settings.
I downloaded the ResHacker to deal with that but I don't know how :(
I want to disable the "settings" button and prevent the screensaver to launch each time the name is displayed.

Maybe someone knows how or at least where to find the infos...

Thanks and regards,

Well, according to that page you've linked, you just need to parse the command line and show the settings window when `/p xxxx` is passed.

woohoo :D

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!!

just did it like this:

Call GetParameters
Pop $0
StrCmp $0 '/s' start end
; screensaver
; end of program
and it works perfect :)

thank you!!