Archive: trying to reuse a shortcut hot key

trying to reuse a shortcut hot key
i found several threads about refreshing certain parts of shortcuts (like the icon or the directory itself), but none of them fix this problem with the hotkey not being refreshed after re-use

i have an old installer the assigned ALT|CONTROL|I to a certain file

i now want to use a different .lnk name to point to a different .exe but use ALT|CONTROL|I

the hotkey assignment isn't "refreshed" or reset without a reboot

this example demonstrates my problem, compile with one version , run it, then re-compile with the other and run it

also, note that if you reuse the same .lnk name, "common.lnk" but just change the file it is pointing at, the hot key works each time you change the target

it just gets lost if you assign the same hot key set to a new .lnk name

Name "test"
OutFile "C:\EXE\test.exe"
SilentInstall silent
Section "test"
SetShellVarContext all
Sleep 100

CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\TEST"
; CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\TEST\License.lnk" "${NSISDIR}\license.txt" "" "" "" SW_SHOWNORMAL ALT|CONTROL|A "NSIS License"

thank you

These are windows rules.

yes, i figured it wasn't NSIS doing something wrong

i am trying to figure out how to make windows see the new hot key assignment

i searched and found several threads that have code to force different things to refresh, like the icon assignment of the shortcut, but none of them refreshed the hot key assignment

thank you

I'm afraid won't be possible without a reboot.

I found an article that suggests that moving the shortcut to another folder, and then moving it back, will force Explorer to update the hot keys -- sometimes.

Hot Key Assignment Bug
