Archive: Detecting ANT and JBoss

Detecting ANT and JBoss

My installer requires apache ANT 1.6 and JBoss 4.0.0 in order to complete the program installation. As far as I know, however, ANT and JBoss do not have values in the system registry. My question now is, is there any way to detect the presence of both programs other than by checking environmental variables and/or the path variable (which may or may not be configured properly)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


You could use ${Locate} to discover the target for file(s), though, might take some time depending on target machine.

Thanks for the response. I've decided that I'm just going to ask the user to specify both the JBoss and ANT home directories manually, and then check to make sure they are valid. To check the validity, I am going to use the ${locate} command to search for the and ant.cmd files respectively. If either file does not exist, I will know the specified home directory is invalid.

My question now is, is there anyway to check the JBoss version number without using the system registry? if anybody knows how, please let me know.
