How to change background color of custom page in NSIS
Hi there,
I'm using NSIS with Ultra Modern UI. Now I made custom page with the NSIS Dialogs plugin (Good work, BTW). I want to change the background color of the page, as the other pages are blue, but this is grey. How do I do this?
Here's an excerpt of the code:
Function nsDialogsPage
nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
Pop $0
GetFunctionAddress $0 OnBack
nsDialogs::OnBack /NOUNLOAD $0
${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 20 20 100% 12u Test
Pop $checkbox1
GetFunctionAddress $0 OnChange
nsDialogs::OnChange /NOUNLOAD $checkbox1 $0
${NSD_CreateText} 200 35 100% 12u hello
Pop $edit1
GetFunctionAddress $0 OnChange2
nsDialogs::OnChange /NOUNLOAD $edit1 $0
${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 40u 75% 40u "Hello.$\n* This is just a test.$\n* Nothing will happen."
Pop $0