Windows File Protection (WFP) & NSIS
How can I patch the system files of windows xp SP2 (such as shell32.dll) with NSIS ?
(I want to build a icon patcher program)
Please help me ! :cry:
Archive: Windows File Protection (WFP) & NSIS
Windows File Protection (WFP) & NSIS
How can I patch the system files of windows xp SP2 (such as shell32.dll) with NSIS ?
(I want to build a icon patcher program)
Please help me ! :cry:
You can use some tricks from the following thread:
Sorry, I'm newbie. I just want to create a *.EXE file to do it. can you explain more ?
Please !
If you can get the code from that topic, stick it into a script like this:
Name "Blah"
OutFile "Blah.exe"
SilentInstall silent
Function .onInit
# code goes here
Sorry, I'm too newbie to understand it :(
and I don't want a Silent Installer :(
I want a system file replacer like this: