Archive: Locate Problem

Locate Problem
  I use this


>${While} $x < 5
IntOp $x $x+ 1
${ConfigRead} "filelist.ini" "ProgramFiles $x = " $FILENAME
${Locate} "$DIR" "/L=F /M=$FILENAME" "Location"
call Location

>Function Location

I have a problem with the locate-macro. When I search for the path of a file, the locatemacro sends the variable $R9 to an other Function. I try the get it back with "call Location"; but then I am out of my while function.
When I start the Installer it crashes.

Help please

You don't have to call the Location function, the ${Locate} macro does that for you for every file it finds.

The above code doesn't work because you didn't implement the function according to the interface. The ${Locate} macro requires you to push anything but "StopLocate". Use Push "" after you copy over $R9.

Ok, now I understand.

Thank u very much