Archive: Showing Custom Page while running a process

Showing Custom Page while running a process
Hi, I am trying to show a custom page while i'm searching the registry for a value. But i can't seem to work out how to do it.

I was thinking something like the code below might do, but i cant seem to work it out. It just wants to stop at the custom page so the user has to click next before the search begins.

; Display the page from ini file extracted onInitialisation (look at function .onInit for files)
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "searching"
${LoopUntil} $R1 == 0

I basically thought, because the handle ($R1) becomes 0 once the search has finished, i could use that to tell the page to stop displaying because the search has finished. No luck


That won't work because InstallOptions stops code execution until the user clicks Next.

You probably want to display a banner using the Banner plug-in.


Hi Afrow UK,

So does there have to be a page for it to display in front of?
Or does it only work in Sections?

I cant work out how to have it displaying while i'm searching the registry. Is there any more detailed examples apart from the wiki and in the plugin zip?

You call the plugin to display the banner, search the registry, and then destroy the banner when that is finished. As I have already said, you cannot display an InstallOptions dialog while doing something else, unless you write a plugin using a separate thread at the same time and then use ExecuteCodeSegment when that thread has finished to call a NSIS function.

You can use the banner plugin anywhere where run-time code is executed.
