Archive: Scroll license.dll plugin doesnt work for me

Scroll license.dll plugin doesnt work for me
Hi all,

I have put in the ScrollLicense.dll in the Plugins folder and use the below mentioned code so that one cannot go to next page without scrolling down to the license page end.

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "..\Package\License.txt"

Function LicenseShow
ScrollLicense::Set /NOUNLOAD

However it still allows me to go to the next page without scrolling to the end. Any reasons why this might happen ?.

Thanks in advance :)

Did you read its docs? Maybe you missed something.

This seems to happen when not using LicenseForceSelection. I shall fix this now.


Did a complete code clean-up (plug-in is a year and 3 days old!)


Hi Stu,

Thanks for the works perfectly fine now :).

Being new to NSIS, I wanted to enquire if you have prepared a plugin which can get the internet proxy settings (host,port, username etc.) while doing the installation. I need it for my application purposes.