Archive: ReadRegBin needed

ReadRegBin needed
I need ReadRegBin instruction as opposite to WriteRegBin. kichik answered in July 2003 that "ReadRegBin is not available because values from there can contain null characters and it's impossible to process this data with normal string functions." (see I think it should be feasible - if WriteRegBin accepts hexadecimal string representation of binary value then ReadRegBin could (should) do the same conversion so possible zero would be represented as '00' in string.

What do you think?

You can do it with the system plugin or create a new plugin that does whatever you want

Yes, everything can be done by system or custom plugin but where is simplicity? I am installer builder, not programmer. It just seems to me strange that NSIS core has WriteRegBin instruction and not the opposite one.

Because its a installer, so write and delete is to be expected, but how common is it to read a regbin value?

My installers are reading from registry a lot. Eg. I need to read values from older versions or values written by other software packages - that's the case why I need ReagRegBin because I have no control of how these values are stored.

Registry plugin isn't good for that?