Archive: Recursive Unzip using NSIS ???

Recursive Unzip using NSIS ???
Hi all,

I am using the ZipDLL plugin to unzip the files i need to install. However for my scenario, my zip file has further 3 zip files which also need to be unzipped before the main file is unzipped. Right now I am unzipping the first 3 files manually and then the final one. Is there a way to automatically unzip the subfolders when the main folder is unzipped. Also delete the zip version of the files and only keep the unzipped ones.

Thanks :)

What does it mean "Right now I am unzipping the first 3 files manually and then the final one."
I think the plugin is able to unzip several files in a given order.
Furthermore you should read plugin's documentation.
Finally it's far easier to unzip locally all those files and let nsis make the package/extraction.

He's got 2 Zip's inside another Zip. Completely pointless, but either way, use FindFirst, FindNext and FindClose to iterate through the Zip files that have been extracted.
