Archive: Installer Log Disappeared

Installer Log Disappeared

Just yesterday I launched my installer to test it out and although everything worked fine, the installer log (scrolling text on the actaull install screen had disappeared. The only things I can remember changing on in my script since the last time I successfully ran it, were the file directory of my program, the version number, and the defualt installation directory. The ShowInstDetails is still there and still says "Show." If anybody knows what could be going on, please let me know.


Perhaps you have a duplicated ShowInstDetails or maybe a SetDetailsView in a section.


Nope, I just searched through my entire script, but could only find ShowInstDetails ounce, and could not find SetDetailsView at all. Should I have a SetDetailsView? Also, I used the eclipseNSIS script generator to create the base for my script, could that be causing any problems?

ShowInstDetails is enough. There's no need for SetDetailsView. I can't think of anything that'd cause it to go away but another ShowInstDetails or SetDetailsView.

Maybe a plugin?

Oh sorry I misunderstood. The log window is still there but there is no text in it?
You may have SetDetailsPrint none or SetDetailsPrint textonly in there then.


Yea, its weird, the box is still there but theres no text during the first stages of the the installation when all the files are being unzipped. As soon as I use nsExec::ExecToLog to build the application with ANT, however, the output of the ANT build shows up in the text box.

As far as I can tell, the missing text doesn't effect the operation of the installer, but I really would like to get it back just because it looks better.

Perhaps you could attach your NSIS script so we can take a look at it.


Reading your message again, that tells me you have put either SetDetailsPrint none or SetDetailsPrint textonly in there. nsExec does not take into account these settings because it writes to the log window itself.


Ok, here's my NSIS script. It's sorta long, but I think the problem is probably near the top somewhere.

Sorry to reply to myself, but the attachment does not appear to have worked the first time.

Interesting, no SetDetailsPrint in there.
What I suggest doing is putting this in your section until the message does not display:

DetailPrint "blah blah blah"
MessageBox MB_OK "Continue?"


The message will display no matter where I put it in my main section, but it displays on top of the progress bar, not in the text box. Any ideas what could be causing this?

Thanks for all your help so far.

There are plenty of includes. Maybe it's in one of them. If you can't find the cause, start adding DetailPrint for every line until you get one that doesn't show in the log. You'll then know the line above it is the bad apple.

I had a look at some of those includes before and I couldn't find any bad SetDetailsPrint instructions. Some do use them, but set them back to both on exit without any possible way to fail. I couldn't get my hands on CheckUserEmail.nsh or WritePath.nsh though.

So if you put a DetailPrint at the top of Section -Main, it does not display in the log?


I've attached a screenshot of what happens when I put:

DetailPrint "blah blah blah"
MessageBox MB_OK "Continue?"

at the top of my main section.

I feel like a total idiot...the problem was I was installing my program over previous installations, so none of the files were being copied to the installation directory. That's why nothing showed up in the white box until the ANT command was called.

Anyway, thanks for all your help.

Either way, that DetailPrint should display should it not?
