Archive: How to use custom pages with ExperienceUI

How to use custom pages with ExperienceUI

I am trying to use ExperienceUI for the installer and i am struck whether we can use custom pages with ExperienceUI.I also tried with experienceUI but its showing some strange behaviours.

In the installer we had license page followed by custom page where it will ask for user serial key.Using this experienceUI there is problem when i press back button to reach license page and pressing next again to move in to serialcustom page.The serial key label is moving downwards on successive movements between license and custom page using back and next buttons.
Hope my problem is clear enough.


I have attached the installer screenshot where there were two colors.Can anyone helpme out with how to integrate the serialcheck field in to background color(i.e,blue)?

Thanks alot

There's a guide to making custom pages for the ExperienceUI in the documentation. If you need more help, drop me an e-mail or reply to this thread. I'll try to make replies but I hardly ever visit here anymore... though I turned on e-mail notification so hopefully I'll get an e-mail if someone replies... but you know how that goes, dunno if my e-mail here still works anymore... :igor:
