Archive: Can I access "Space Required" on MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY?

Can I access "Space Required" on MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY?
I want to add 100MB to the "Space Required" value on the MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY, that gets displayed when the user selects the installation directory, so as to account for future updates to the installlation.
Any idea how I can access this value, and is it possible to change it and display at the same place?

Thanks in advance

Use AddSize.


I habe some components, that can be choosen by user.
and some files, which I allways copy.

section 1 has 1 KB
section 2 has 2 KB
files have 3 KB

I use AddSize funktion in sections.
Space requed on component page is 3 (1+2)
Space requed on directory page is 3.
I want, space requed on directory page is 6 KB (1+2+3)
How can I show size on directory page?
shall I use SectionGetSize for earch section and add size of copied files (right plase for it is leave functjion)?
Or can I get the size as text from directory page and convert it to Integer,
add size of copied files,
and change label on directory page?

I used a special section for this, but if no section selected, requied space is 3 KB in this case, enduser can confused with it.


I created a section for this.
it works, but if one selects no components,
and click next, then back, space requed is changed.
Do I have to create a show function for components page,
and set size back?
or is there any elegant solution?

!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW directoryPageShow

Section -copydatasize copydata size_id
; see directoryPageShow
;AddSize 25686

Function directoryPageShow
SectionSetSize ${copydatasize_id} 25686
