Archive: finish page questions

finish page questions
I'm having some problems with the finish page:

1. I added a custom page that sometimes does not get displayed AFTER the instpage. This causes the finish page to have an ENABLED Back button, which will make the installer go back to the instpage if this custom page does not get shown (if there are no errors during the installation). How do I make the finish page disable the Back button when there were no errors (Unless $ERRORS > 0)?

2. My installer automatically becomes an offline installer, customizing all the pages to suit such an installer. However, the finish page still has a checkbox with "Visit the community site", which I want to remove IF the installer goes offline. How do I modify the finishpage's appearance "on the fly". So if you click "Yes, I am offline" during the initialization of the installation, the installer removes the community site link on the finish page?

Here's a picture of my finish page:

StrCmp $ERRORS 0 +3
GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 3
EnableWindow $R0 0

Use the dialer plug-in to check the internet connection status and then you can hide the control in the finish page's show function:

!include WinMessages.nsh

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
Function FinishShow
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $R0 ioSpecial.ini "Field #" "HWND"
ShowWindow $R0 ${SW_HIDE}


where do I put all this stuff?

and what is winmessages.nsh?


i have no clue whatsoever how to incorporate your code into my installer.

i've tried putting it in but no cigar.

The first code snippet will disable the back button depending on the value of $ERRORS. You want to call it like so:


Function InstFilesShow
StrCmp $ERRORS 0 +3
GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 3
EnableWindow $R0 0

As for the second code snippet, WinMessages.nsh contains exactly that, definitions for control window messages (the code snippet uses SW_HIDE). The MUI finish page is actually an InstallOptions page and ioSpecial.ini is the InstallOptions INI file that it uses. If you give it the correct # for Field # then you can hide the check box if the user is not connected. Look at the dialer plug-in readme.

I'm not sure why I'm telling you so much you could do some homework :p


I'm extremely grateful, you are saving me a lot of work that I can put into school instead.

this worked awesomely!

now one last question if you don't mind :)

how do I modify the text on the first page during the installation? the welcome page. it says "this is an online installer", but when an internet connection is missing - it's not!

solved it myself this time!

this is how i did it:

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
Function WelcomeShow
StrCmp $OFFLINE 0 +2
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "ioSpecial.ini" "Field 3" "Text" "This is an offline installer..."