Archive: Newbie help - changing install drive in MUI

Newbie help - changing install drive in MUI

OK, this is probably SO old hat to the experienced folks but I can't seem to find a direct answer so here goes:

I have an install script that works a treat. I use MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY to allow the user to specify where the installer will write its files. I'm using this so they can direct the output to a drive other than C:

The bad thing is that the way I currently have it written, the user can rename the directory (which I don't want) as well as select a different drive (which I do want).

So far as I can see, I seem to have two ways out of this:

1. Truncate the install directory name to C:, then append via StrCopy the full path name at a later point in the code. But then I need to understand how to change the wording on the default panel.

2. Find a sample custom dialog if it's available.

Thoughts and (positive) suggestions would be appreciated.


This changes the default label and text.

Function DirectoryPageShow
FindWindow $0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
GetDlgItem $1 $0 1006
SendMessage $1 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:The installation requires you to select a drive."
GetDlgItem $1 $0 1020
SendMessage $1 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:Target Drive"

The easiest way is to set the directory text box to read-only so the user can only browse for a folder:


I knew I wasn't going to make myself clear
What I have is an installer that calls an MUI page:
$INSTDIR = "MandatoryName"

; Use the above option to give user a choice as to where
; the install is located

Right now, that produces a dialog that asks the user to select an install directory and defaults to:


What I want to do instead is to allow the MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY to specify not the directory, but the drive so that the dialog essentially becomes:

| Select a drive to install to +
| +---+ +
| |C: | +
| +---+ +
| Continue Cancel +

Now I know it's possible to write a dialog but since all my other pages are MUI format, I was hoping to find a way to control MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY.

I've done a fair amount with programming NSIS, but I confess that I'm a procedural language junkie (read "old guy") so the dialog management is a bit mysterious.

Do you have a suggestion on how to fix this or a place where I can get better MUI documentation and learn more?


Nope, for what you want it would be much better to do a custom page with a list box containing the drives (use GetDrives).
Someone has already done this on the forum once or twice.


Originally posted by Afrow UK
Nope, for what you want it would be much better to do a custom page with a list box containing the drives (use GetDrives).
Someone has already done this on the forum once or twice.

Someone might be me ;) here's the link,