29th July 2007 10:44 UTC
timeout using inetc?
how do i set a timeout using inetc? the manual says "/TIMEOUT INT_MS", but this doesn't seem to work:
inetc::get /NOUNLOAD /CAPTION "Initializing..." /BANNER "nQuake is initializing, please wait..." /TIMEOUT 5000 "${INSTALLER_URL}/nquake.ini" $NQUAKE_INI /END
I've tried using other values (even down to 1) but it never seems to timeout, unless timeout means "retry" or something?
29th July 2007 11:36 UTC
There are few timeout settings for http connection (like INTERNET_OPTION_DATA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT), inetc sets
if(timeout > 0)
lastCnt = InternetSetOption(hSes, INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, &timeout, sizeof(timeout));
only. BTW if $NQUAKE_INI not includes path, current folder will be used use. And "$NQUAKE_INI" may be better if path included.
29th July 2007 12:06 UTC
$NQUAKE_INI is a temporary file (full path).
so what you're saying is that /TIMEOUT only sets ONE out of A FEW timeout settings, and basically if /TIMEOUT doesn't work for me, i'm screwed? :)