Archive: echo variable to install files window?

echo variable to install files window?
Is there anyway I can echo the contents of a variable to the install files window? (MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES)

Basically my installer opens files outside the installer based on component selection and then based on switches I have in the file it knows what to do with certain components. One of the switches is a comment. I would like that line echoed out to the installer window for special instructions.

This is strictly an in house installer that installs files via a shared network drive. The help desk will use it to reinstall/fix broken applications. The files aren't actually located inside the installer. This way as the applications get updated the techs just have to change a config file and I only have to rebuild the installer if a new application is added. I know this sounds kind of odd but we have 120 tiny in house applications and 1-2 get updated per week. So I built 1 installer with 120 sections. Each application has a custom config file that gets read in on execution.


Could be DetailPrint

Perfect! Thanks