Archive: Status of UAC Plug-In

Status of UAC Plug-In
This is my first post in this forum. So, if I'm posting this question in the wrong place please advise.

What's the status of the UAC plug-in?

I think it might solve some Vista problems. However the wiki page indicates that it's in an alpha stage. My company is reluctant to let me include it in a solution due to its status. Please advise.



Anders is the developer, he can let you know more.

At our company, we've been using the UAC plugin for our software installer and updater. So far, we haven't had a single report of any problems. This includes hundreds of customers

Though, customers don't seem to point out errors as often as we'd like, so I can't guarantee that every single one functioned without error. But still, it seems to be woring well. Plus from all the heavy testing I did (I was the one who documented some of the UAC plugin and all the test cases), I don't spend any time worrying about it now.

It's Anders plugin, so he gets to make the call. But I'd say because of the testing, I'd rate it as beta.

I'm not sure what to say really, it is/was a pet project/ POC to show how to start a Medium IL process from a elevated setup. It will probably never reach 1.0 or stable if you will. Still, I am not aware of any real issues other than the fact that it does not report status in the nsis log window. Don't take alpha status to seriously, I can even change it to beta if it makes you feel better ;) Anyway, if you don't want to use the plugin, the only other alternative I can think of is to not start your app from a elevated setup (Disable run checkbox on finish page and whatnot)

Thanks to everyone for the quick reply; very nice forum. As to taking the alpha status too seriously, well corporations have their rules. I appreciate the time and effort that went into providing a solution to what, as far as I can tell, many developers are dealing with.

After evaluating options, we decided to not deal with individual user profiles during installation, but instead create individual user resources as needed during application start-up.