Archive: Problems with ZipDLL.dll

Problems with ZipDLL.dll

I’m trying to use the zip DLL plugin. I’ve followed the instructions as per

I have extracted ZipDLL.dll from the download and put it in :
C:\Program Files\NSIS\Plugins

I have also extracted zipdll.nsh and put that in:
C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include

I have also uncommented line 357 of zipdll.nsh as requested in the above link

However it doesn’t work as I get the following error:

!insertmacro: macro named "MUI_ZIPDLL_EXTRACTALL" not found!

This is the tiny test script:
!include "MUI.nsh"
!include "zipdll.nsh"

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
!insertmacro MUI_ZIPDLL_EXTRACTALL "c:\" "c:\output" <ALL>

# name the installer
outFile "installer.exe"

Any Ideas?


Sorry guys I have just found whats wrong.

Please post the resoulution, i have the same problem.

I didn't use the DLL plugin in the end, instead I opted for the 'SetOutPath' and 'File' commands.

Myself, I just extract ZipDLL.dll from the download and put it in : C:\Program Files\NSIS\Plugins

Then, within my code, I use:
ZipDLL::extractall $Source $Destination
ZipDLL::extractfile $Source $Destination $File

Thank you guys, it works perfectly now.