Archive: Trouble importing WordAdd

Trouble importing WordAdd

I am having trouble importing WordAdd from WordFunc.nsh

*************** CODE *************************

!include "WordFunc.nsh"

outFile "installer.exe"

${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "+C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys" $R0
; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys"
MessageBox MB_OK $R0

*************** ERROR *************************

Processing script file: "C:\Documents and Settings\*****\Desktop\WordAddTest.nsi"
!include: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\WordFunc.nsh"
!include: closed: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\WordFunc.nsh"
OutFile: "installer.exe"
Section: ""
Invalid command: ${WordAdd}
Error in script "C:\Documents and Settings\*****\Desktop\WordAddTest.nsi" on line 6 -- aborting creation process

Could someone please tell me where it's going wrong?


I'm currently using the latest installer version v2.9 I didn't know if that included the latest headers which I suspect it does. However, I downloaded and installed from the following thread:


One other question, how do you submit a URL without getting the "URL submitted by user" link that does not link to any thing.

You need
!insertmacro WordAdd
and possibly
!insertmacro un.WordAdd

The "URL submitted by user" message is a filter that prevents people from posting obnoxious links. It is applied to new users and goes away after they have done some number of valid postings to the board.

The URL behind that message is visible when you click the "Post a Reply" button.


Thank you very much.