Archive: 'invisible' installer

'invisible' installer
Apologies if this has been asked and answered previously, but none of the search terms I try find anything relevant.

I am trying to create an installer with essentially no UI and I'm not sure how. Its sole purpose is to place a single file in a system directory ( Documents & Settings\All Users\Application Data\{app name}\ )

I have modified a simple tutorial to suit my needs as follows:

# define the name of the installer
outfile "simple installer.exe"

# default section

# define the output path for this file
SetShellVarContext all
setOutPath $APPDATA\appname\

# define what to install and place it in the output path
SetOverwrite ifnewer
file test.txt


however, even this provides more of an interface than I require. What I'd ideally like is for the file to be installed (or fail), and then provide a message box signifying success or failure. I can handle the MB, I just need to know whether I can remove the UI. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance.

Have you tried "SetSilent silent"? That should do what you want.

It has to go in the .onInit function like this:

Function .onInit
SetSilent silent


No need for SetSilent silent if you use SilentInstall silent.
SilentInstall silent is a compile time instruction and ensures that no user interface resources are placed into the installer (so the installer will always be silent).


@Don: no, I hadn't tried this and it does exactly what I want.

@Stu: I wasn't aware of this option, and it does exactly the same thing with a single line of code.

Many thanks to both of you!
