sectiongroup/uninstall/path question
I am writing an installer using section groups. I would like to control the install path for each group. I managed to hard-code the path by doing a strcpy of $INSTDIR, which works, but the path in the dialog window is no longer correct.

The next problem, is the uninstaller. I want to make each section have the capability for it's own uninstaller, but I don't know how to pass information into the uninstaller so it knows where to delete things from. Currently, it is able to delete the application (thanks to the registry entry, I am sure), but the shortcuts in the startmenu are still swinging in the breeze. I tried to set a variable in the section, before I call WriteUninstaller, but when it runs, it is blank.

Anyway, I tried searching, but I was swamped by too many results.

