DriveSpace for network drives
Does DriveSpace work for network drives? It seems broken to me. I can get drivespace fine from a local drive, but when I pass in a UNC name, I get nuttin.
From this thread , I see that it apprears someone was using it to some degree, but I don't understand enough, I guess.
Here is where I am right now...
StrCpy $TransPath "$TransPath\Translator\"
;${GetRoot} "$TransPath" $TransPath
StrCpy $R1 "$TransPath"
System::Call '${sysGetDiskFreeSpaceEx}(t) i (r1,.r2,,.).r3'
MessageBox MB_OK "Translator path is $TransPath ($R2, $R3)"
${DriveSpace} "$TransPath" "/D=F /S=K" $TransFree
SectionGetSize ${tr} $TransSize
DetailPrint "Installing $TransSize bytes to $TransPath ($TransFree bytes free)"
MessageBox MB_OK "Translator path is $TransPath"
${DriveSpace} "D:\" "/D=F /S=K" $TransFree
DetailPrint "Installing $TransSize bytes to $TransPath ($TransFree bytes free)"
MessageBox MB_OK "Translator is $TransSize, $TransFree free"