Archive: Adding labels and links next to Back/Next buttons

Adding labels and links next to Back/Next buttons
Hi there!

I have a custom page in my installer. Also I need to add some text and several links at the bottom of the page (next to the Back/Next buttons, please take a look at the attachment).

I tried two ways, but stuck in both:

1) The first is editing MUI's resource file using ResHacker. I successfully added labels, but don't know how to create links (I made them blue and underlined at runtime, but unable to change the cursor shape and handle clicking).

2) I simply added these controls to my custom page and then changed their parent in order to move them to the outer window:
GetDlgItem $DLGITEM $HWND 1209
System::Call 'user32.dll::SetParent(i $DLGITEM, i $HWNDPARENT)'

That worked perfect for the labels, but for links causes an access violation.

I can't beleive there is no way to perform my task. Any suggestions? Thanks!


Many thanks, Afrow! I'm going to test the plugin right now. It seems you saved me!