Archive: Skinned Button VS Welcome Page

Skinned Button VS Welcome Page

I am using UltraModernUI to skin my setup and SkinnedButton to skin the buttons. I took the later versions I found here :

When trying to use skinnedbutton, I first noticed UMUI doesn't provide natively a callback for a custom .onGuiEnd function and therefore uninitialize the plugin. It's easy to modify UMUI.nsh but that must be corrected in later versions.

I also noticed a very annoying problem occuring only when using the skinnedbutton plugin AND a welcome page.
During an installation of such a setup, if i cancel the setup, i see a ghost window of the welcome page (see screen attached). The setup is not running anymore but i have to move some other window over the ghost to delete it. It can be reproduced every time and of course it doesn't happend at all when, with the same installer, i don't use skinnedbutton.

Any clew of what is wrong ?

I think I have found a workaround.

When using skinnedbutton AND UltraModernUI AND a welcome page, the initialisation of the skinned button seem to happen to early for UMUI.
Therefore i you move the skinit call to a callback on the SHOW event of the welcome page, it works and there is no ghost window after cancel.
If you let the skinit call in the UMUI callback equivalent to .onGuiInit, there is a ghost windows after cancel.