Archive: GetSaveFileName in comdlg32 trouble

GetSaveFileName in comdlg32 trouble
I've read the System Docs and I've researched the Wiki and internet as much as I can with no result.

What I want to do: Within a section during instfiles I want to use the System Plugin to call a "Save File As..." Dialog. After much research I've found that the WinAPI comdlg32.dll function, GetSaveFileName, does just that. The tricky part is the setup for the call :( . Here's what I have so far... Any help would be nice :D



  SetPluginUnload alwaysoff
; Setup a structure for allowed file types
; Build Struc #1
System::Call '*(t "Text Files (*.txt), *.txt;", t "All Files (*.*), *.*;") *i .r0'

; Setup the OPENFILENAME structure and store it into $2 (returns path and filename into structure $1)
; Build Struc #2
System::Call '*(i 23, t $HWNDPARENT, v, *i r0, i 0, i 0, i 0, *i r1, i 260, v, v, i 0, t "Open File", i 0x80000, 0, 0, "*", v, v, v, v, v, v, v) *i .r2'
; Open Save file dialog and return a bool into $3
System::Call 'comdlg32::GetSaveFileName(*i r2)'
Pop $3

; Now get the path and file name and put them together
System::Call '*$1( t r4, t r5)'
IntOp $6 $4 & $5
; MessageBox to the user the path/file that they chose
MessageBox MB_OK "Save File As Info...$\n\
Path: $4$\n\
FileName: $5$\n\
Whole String: $6"

; Unload the plugin from memory
SetPluginUnload manual
System::Free $0
System::Free $1
System::Free $2
System::Free 0

I am still having progress but all of my values aren't quite accounted for because it is still not working. However I found this nice article that shows structures being made with nsis script.


;typedef struct tagOFN {
; DWORD lStructSize;
; HWND hwndOwner;
; HINSTANCE hInstance;
; LPCTSTR lpstrFilter;
; LPTSTR lpstrCustomFilter;
; DWORD nMaxCustFilter;
; DWORD nFilterIndex;
; LPTSTR lpstrFile;
; DWORD nMaxFile;
; LPTSTR lpstrFileTitle;
; DWORD nMaxFileTitle;
; LPCTSTR lpstrInitialDir;
; LPCTSTR lpstrTitle;
; DWORD Flags;
; WORD nFileOffset;
; WORD nFileExtension;
; LPCTSTR lpstrDefExt;
; LPARAM lCustData;
; LPCTSTR lpTemplateName;
;#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500)
; void * pvReserved;
; DWORD dwReserved;
; DWORD FlagsEx;
;#endif // (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500)
SetPluginUnload alwaysoff
;System::Call '*(i 23, i, *i, *i "All Files (*.*), *.*", *i, i, i 0, *i "returned path/name", &t260, i, i, i, i, i 0x80000, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i) i .r0'
; Setup a structure for allowed file types
; Build Struc #1
!define FILE_FILTER '(t "Text Files (*.txt), *.txt", t "All Files (*.*), *.*") i'
; Setup the OPENFILENAME structure and store it into $2 (returns path and filename into structure $1)
; Build Struc #2
System::Call '*(&l, i $HWNDPARENT, i, i $FILE_FILTER, i, i, i, i r1, &t260, i, i, i, t "Open File", i 0x80000, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i) i .r2'
; Open Save file dialog and return a bool into $3
System::Call 'comdlg32::GetSaveFileName(*i r2)'
Pop $3
MessageBox MB_OK $3
; Now get the path and file name and put them together
System::Call '*$1( t r4, t r5)'
IntOp $6 $4 & $5
; MessageBox to the user the path/file that they chose
MessageBox MB_OK "Save File As Info...$\n\
Path: $4$\n\
FileName: $5$\n\
Whole String: $6"

; Unload the plugin from memory
SetPluginUnload manual
;System::Free $0
;System::Free $1
;System::Free $2
System::Free 0

The easy way:


HINSTANCE should be just i
strings should be t and not *i
for a define, you use ${define} and not $define

what exactly are pointers?

I want to do it this way because the parameters for creating this save file dialog are much in depth.

Now I think I'm making good progress. I have all of my parameters set (i think) but an essential one. I don't know what wParams should be when I do the SendMessage command to initiate the dialog.

  SetPluginUnload alwaysoff
; Allowed file types
!define FILE_FILTER "HTML Files (*.htm*)|*.htm*|Images (*.gif;*.jp*;*.png)|*.gif;*.jp*;*.png|All Files (*.*)|*.*|"
IntOp $0 "OFN_ENABLEHOOK" || 1
MessageBox MB_OK $0

; Setup the OPENFILENAME structure and store it into LPARAM (returns path and filename into structure $1)
!define LPARAM '*(&l, i $HWNDPARENT, i, t ${FILE_FILTER}, i, i, i, i r1, &t260, i, i, i, t "Open File", i r0, &t260, &t14, t "exe", t , i, i, i, i, i, i) i'

; Open Save file dialog and return a bool into $3
SendMessage $HWNDPARENT ${WM_INITDIALOG} wParam=IDontKnow ${LPARAM} $3
MessageBox MB_OK $3
; Now get the path and file name and put them together
System::Call '*$1( t r4, t r5)'
IntOp $6 $4 & $5
; MessageBox to the user the path/file that they chose
MessageBox MB_OK "Save File As Info...$\n\
Path: $4$\n\
FileName: $5$\n\
Whole String: $6"

; Unload the plugin from memory
SetPluginUnload manual
System::Free 0

there should not be a sendmessage, you need to call the GetSaveFileName function with the address of your struct.

Why not just use the plugin I linked to?

Yes... the plugin would be easier, check the samples.

Look at the Flags section of the OPENFILENAME structure. I want to access several of those properties that the plugin you linked to doesn't access as far as I can tell. Thanks for the link though. When I'm working on a simpler project that would be perfect! Although your reference to that plugin helped me resolve a couple of my issues :)

I just haven't found the right combination yet to get this thing going. Anders you're right. I found SendMessage doesn't work just after posting it. It only handles 4-6 args and I was passing it 43 with that combination. I went back to my old method but a little tweaked.

  SetPluginUnload alwaysoff
; Setup a structure for allowed file types
; Build Struc #1
!define FILE_FILTER "HTML Files (*.htm*)|*.htm*|Images (*.gif;*.jp*;*.png)|*.gif;*.jp*;*.png|All Files (*.*)|*.*|"
IntOp $0 "OFN_EXPLORER" || 1
;IntOp $0 $0 || 1
MessageBox MB_OK $0

; Setup the OPENFILENAME structure and store it into $2 (returns path and filename into string $1)
; Build Struc #2
!define LPARAM '*(&l, i $HWNDPARENT, i, t ${FILE_FILTER}, i, i, i, t .r1, &t260, i, i, i, t "Open File", i r0, &t260, &t14, t "exe", i, i, i, i, i 0, i 0) i' ;x23
; Open Save file dialog and return a bool into $3
System::Call 'comdlg32::GetSaveFileName(i ${LPARAM}) b .r3'
MessageBox MB_OK "$1$\n$3"

; Unload the plugin from memory
SetPluginUnload manual
System::Free 0

With GetSaveFileName(i ${LPARAM}), what data type is the structure LPARAM? Because it holds several different data types but I guess I'm going to keep it i unless anyone says otherwise. I simply don't see what I'm missing. I've got 23 slots in the OPENFILENAME. I must be labeling data types wrong.
Any suggestions other than saying to move on?

Here is a new version of the code...still doesn't work but I believe I continue to get closer to a solution.

  SetPluginUnload alwaysoff
; Setup a structure for allowed file types
; Build Struc #1
!define FILE_FILTER "HTML Files (*.htm*)|*.htm*|Images (*.gif;*.jp*;*.png)|*.gif;*.jp*;*.png|All Files (*.*)|*.*|"

; define and set the flags I want to use
MessageBox MB_OK ${SET_FLAGS} ; debugging purposes

; Setup the OPENFILENAME structure and store it into $2 (returns path and filename into string $1)
; Build Struc #2
!define LPARAM '*(&l, i $HWNDPARENT, i, t ${FILE_FILTER}, i, i, i, t .r1, &t260, i, i, i, t "Open File", i ${SET_FLAGS}, &t3, &t14, t "exe", i, i, i, v, i 0, i 0) i' ;x23
; Open Save file dialog and return a bool into $3
System::Call 'comdlg32::GetSaveFileName(i ${LPARAM}) b .r3'
MessageBox MB_OK "$1$\n$3" ; debugging purposes

; Unload the plugin from memory
SetPluginUnload manual
System::Free 0

And here is a list of all the datatypes that I believe are in the define LPARAM.

;typedef struct tagOFN {
; &l DWORD lStructSize;
; i HWND hwndOwner;
; i HINSTANCE hInstance;
; t LPCTSTR lpstrFilter;
; t LPTSTR lpstrCustomFilter;
; i DWORD nMaxCustFilter;
; i DWORD nFilterIndex;
; t LPTSTR lpstrFile;
; i DWORD nMaxFile;
; t LPTSTR lpstrFileTitle;
; i DWORD nMaxFileTitle;
; t LPCTSTR lpstrInitialDir;
; t LPCTSTR lpstrTitle;
; i DWORD Flags;
; &t WORD nFileOffset;
; &t WORD nFileExtension;
; t LPCTSTR lpstrDefExt;
; ? LPARAM lCustData;
; t LPCTSTR lpTemplateName;
;#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500)
; v void * pvReserved;
; i DWORD dwReserved;
; i DWORD FlagsEx;
;#endif // (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500)

System.dll data types are listed first, then general data types, and then parameter names. The only two parameters that I don't know what type of data is lCustData and lpfnHook.

I'm going to keep updating my progress on here every once in a while in case anyone has ideas to contribute or even just interested.


they are probaby i or *i, still not sure why you keep calling the struct LPARAM, its called OPENFILENAME, and I'm not even sure if you can pass a struct this way to a function with just a define.

and your flags code is way off, try googling for "define OFN_EXPLORER" and use the actual number (or install the platform sdk)

I'm calling the struct because thats what it says on MSDN.

Or maybe I'm just not quite sure how to use the pointer i* correctly to refer it to OPENFILENAME. I did a small code change, maybe now it makes more sense (didn't fix the flags though.) I only did the flags that way with the IntOp because it worked on this other system call for setting "SND_ASYNC":

So I figured that it automatically converted it to that integer for me rather than having to look it up.

  SetPluginUnload alwaysoff
; Setup a structure for allowed file types
; Build Struc #1
!define FILE_FILTER "HTML Files (*.htm*)|*.htm*|Images (*.gif;*.jp*;*.png)|*.gif;*.jp*;*.png|All Files (*.*)|*.*|"

; define and set the flags I want to use
MessageBox MB_OK ${SET_FLAGS} ; debugging purposes

; Setup the OPENFILENAME structure and store it into $2 (returns path and filename into string $1)
; Build Struc #2
!define OPENFILENAME '*(&l, i $HWNDPARENT, i, t ${FILE_FILTER}, i, i, i, t .r1, &t260, i, i, i, t "Open File", i ${SET_FLAGS}, &t3, &t14, t "exe", i, i, i, v, i 0, i 0) i' ;x23
; Open Save file dialog and return a bool into $3
System::Call 'comdlg32::GetSaveFileName(i* ${OPENFILENAME}) b .r3'
MessageBox MB_OK "$1$\n$3" ; debugging purposes

; Unload the plugin from memory
SetPluginUnload manual
System::Free 0
I basically was calling OPENFILENAME I simply called it LPARAM instead.


I changed what you told me to and I also switched the OPENFILENAME define back to a System.dll call. Do you think it more logical for it to be a system call, define, or it doesn't matter?


SetPluginUnload alwaysoff
; Setup a structure for allowed file types
; Build Struc #1
!define FILE_FILTER "HTML Files (*.htm*)|*.htm*|Images (*.gif;*.jp*;*.png)|*.gif;*.jp*;*.png|All Files (*.*)|*.*|"

; define and set the flags I want to use
!define OFN_EXPLORER 0x00080000
!define OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT 0x00000002
!define OFN_DONTADDTORECENT 0x02000000
!define OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON 0x00020000
MessageBox MB_OK ${SET_FLAGS} ; debugging purposes

; Setup the OPENFILENAME structure and store it into $2 (returns path and filename into string $1)
; Build Struc #2
System::Call '*(&l, i $HWNDPARENT, i, t ${FILE_FILTER}, i, i, i, t .r1, &t260, i, i, i, t "Open File", i ${SET_FLAGS}, &t3, &t14, t "exe", i, i, i, v, i 0, i 0) i r2' ;x23
; Open Save file dialog and return a bool into $3
System::Call 'comdlg32::GetSaveFileName(i* r2) b .r3'
MessageBox MB_OK "$1$\n$3" ; debugging purposes

; Unload the plugin from memory
SetPluginUnload manual
System::Free 0

You might be able to use this function:


Thanks again eccles,
I have modified that, another function, and did a little magic of my own. I was able to achieve unlimited File Filters instead of just two.

TODO: Somehow read the output after multiple files are selected. It doesn't work but I'm not sure how to retrieve the returned stack for that.

P.S. I know how to break apart a return stack *$0(t .r1, i .r2, .......) and so on.

See attachment for the source of how I'm using it now.

Now files can be filtered like:
"file1|ext,file2|ext,..." with no spaces.