20th August 2007 12:08 UTC
Invalid CRC message
Since the only way to modify the CRC message is to modify the NSIS source code, we have decided against changing this. However, we really would like to customize this message (particularly since it seems a little confusing).
If we made this message configurable through a compiler option and submitted a patch, do you think it would be included in the next release?
20th August 2007 12:11 UTC
For clarity:
The message is here in: #define _LANG_INVALIDCRC
20th August 2007 20:09 UTC
That depend on which compiler you're talking about. If it's makensis, then no. As all strings are saved compressed in the data block, that'd defeat the purpose of verifying the installer prior to extracting garbage data.
20th August 2007 20:16 UTC
So literally the only way would be to recompile the NSIS compiler each time a new version came out and then use that?
20th August 2007 20:25 UTC
That, or editing the string directly in the stubs and manually offseting any relevant pointer.
20th August 2007 20:27 UTC
Ugh... not pretty :)