Archive: nsExec - No 64-bit support

nsExec - No 64-bit support

I understand that when you're using nsExec, it's using another thread to run your command. This said, using x64.nsh's ${DisableX64FSRedirection} has absolutely no effect when using nsExec functions.

I recommend implementing 64-bit versions to all of currently supported nsExec's functions. i.e.: nsExec::Exec64, etc.

As of now, the only means of running a 64-bit system process inside the installer is by using ${DisableX64FSRedirection} and then ExecWait which pops up an ugly black command window.


And the ExecDos plug-in does not work?


Hi Stu,

I just tried and it did not work.

It doesn't use a different thread, it uses a completely different process.


I haven't taken a look into the code, I just guessed.
In any ways, it's not working and that's the issue.

Please submit a bug report/feature request.

Submitted request ID # 1778973 relating this issue.