Archive: Copied File doesn't exist`

Copied File doesn't exist`
  I'm copying a file ~39 KB to the $TEMP directory in one line and in the next line I check to see if that file exists. I'm using LogicLib for the check.

CopyFiles"$EXEDIR\\..\\Apache\\httpd.conf" $TEMP

>${If} ${FileExists} $TEMP(stupid slashes arent working in this post)httpd.conf
>; do nothing
>MessageBox MB_OK "Somebody forgot to set up us the bomb"
When I check later in the code however, the file is there. In order to get the above code to work, do I need to use some sort of sleep statement?


The code works fine for me. Maybe try:

Sleep 200

Have you checked for errors? There shouldn't really be any as the file is available later in the script, but try it anyway:
CopyFiles "$EXEDIR\..\Apache\httpd.conf" $TEMP
IfErrors 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK "..."

That issue might caused from the relative path, check out the documentation,

Hmmm... I never thought of the absolute path issue. Sorry for not rtfm :). Would it resolve the issue if I evaluated the absolute path upon initialization and used the result in my CopyFiles line?