Archive: CreateShortCut Start in property

CreateShortCut Start in property
I have a problem when create shortcut, "Start in" property is not my $INSTDIR and my application need start in $INSTDIR. Can I modify this property?? I'm using MUI with MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN macro.

THANKS and sorry about my english.


from the helpfile: "$OUTDIR is used for the working directory. You can change it by using SetOutPath before creating the Shortcut"

If I change the OUTDIR with SetOutPath before create de shortcut, the shortcut are not created in $SMPROGRAMS. I SetOutPath in $SMPROGRAMS\MyDir before create the shortcuts.

Then use full paths with CreateShortcut.

SetOutPath C:\whatever\start\in
CreateShortcut $SMPROGRAMS\MyDir\whatever.lnk $INSTDIR\whatever.exe

thaks you.