Archive: Connecting Nsis with visual basic

Connecting Nsis with visual basic

this question may sound naive, as I have never made anything in VB. But in my company we have lot of code in VB and I need to connect it to the nsis, i.e. NSIS take care of the user interface instead of VB but rest of the thing is done by vb like a plugin dll.

Is this possible, I search also around in this forum but could not find a way to create a dll in vb which can connect to the NSIS.

Any help in this direction will be a great help.


Explain a little more in detail what your end goal is.

Often, these broad questions are best solved when you describe your end goal...and then we can help point out if your particular solution is a good idea, and if not, alternate ways to better achieve your goal.

Easiest way is to build those VB codes into separate windows executables and run them with ExecWait.
