Archive: Temporarily setting path during

Temporarily setting path during
Hi all,

Is there any way I can set the PATH environment variable in a temporary way before making a call to 'ExecWait'?

I have a DLL that is required by the program I am running via ExecWait, and the DLL is not available the path, but instead is in the location c:\Python25 (the file is MSVCR71.DLL, which in my case is needed by the 'PyGObject' installer that I am attempting to run from within my NSIS script).

The only easy way I could think of was by either (a) copying the DLL to the same location as my temporarily downloaded files, or (b) using the registry to set AppPaths for the application that I am running. But if there is an equivalent for the Linux (bash) command "PATH=$PATH:/c/Python25 /tmp/pygobject-installer.exe" then I'd like to know.

Any suggestions?


The child process should inherit the env from your nsis installer, try messing with its env before calling exec.