Archive: Error opening stub

Error opening stub

Today I encountered a problem after building makensis and trying to run it. I received this error.
Error: opening stub "...../nsis/Stubs/zlib"
Error initalizing CEXEBuild: error setting default stub

After looking through google, I learned that someone else had this same problem, although they were able to fix it.

This is a link to that thread.

It seemed that everything went fine when the SConstruct was replaced, but that link is dead and my attempts to find it have failed.

If anyone could help me I'd greatly appreciate it. I apologize if a solution to this problem is in another thread.

(/Stubs/zlib) doesn't exist

The problem, as you said yourself, that Stubs/zlib doesn't exist. Building just makensis is not enough, you have to build the stubs as well. If you only need makensis because you're not on Windows, you can use the stubs from a release. Follow the build documentation for more details.

Thank you very much. That appeared to do the trick.