Archive: Battletorrent - Neb Guide please?

Battletorrent - Nub Guide please?
Hi there...

<some background + What we are trying to do>

I am a new user to this installer app... I am not a programmer and not very good at this kind of thing... I am a 3D animator and myself and a few friends are trying to start a animation club where people work on projects together...

Animations are large avi files and we would like to use bittorrent to distribute these animations. Instead of requiring every website visitor that wants to download our work knowing about BT and stuff we thought it would be cool to be able to deliver the files in a self contained BT download app. As in you just click the download link and it will load an installer with will download the torrent for you into a defined dir.

<some help>

Like i said I am a artist not a programmer and totally confused about this installer... I can make a simple installer that will install a file into a defined dir and even worked out some ways of making the installer look a bit more pretty... BUT I can not figure out how to get the torrent side of it to work at all.

<What I have done>

I have a tracker set up and working
I have the torrent seeded

<The Question I came here for>

Dose anyone have any working code they wish to share that will allow me to make the torrent installer?


Dose anyone knowa complete nub guide to making a torrent installer...

<final thought>

Any help would be very appreciated (this is a hobby project between mates and non profit btw) Though we are willing to paypal donate if somone will help us get this downlaoder off the ground.

Thanks for reading.

This maybe an old thread.

But I can not find anywhere on the site a nice guide to making this work.

I have been looking at the Battle-Torrent system. But I just can't seem to work it out.

I have a torrent I wish to use at this URL

What I am trying to do is have the installer set the install folder 1st and then download the content of the torrent right into that folder and then just make/place a modified desktop short cut to run the a game MOD that the torrent file contains.

I Am a newb with NSIS. But I can work most stuff out. I just need a good base to start with.

I do hope somebody can help.
