Archive: graying out Checkbox with nsDialogs

graying out Checkbox with nsDialogs
Hi all,

i want to create an installer that checks for a couple things on a machine (.Net2, SQL2005Express, XML6) and so on. After the check i would like to present a Dialog (nsDialogs used) with checkboxes where the user can choose which components to download and install.

The components that are already installed should be "marked" by a grayed out checkbox ?

I have seen an example where sab0tage, disables a "FileRequest" but that seems not to work with a checkbox.

My checkbox would so far looks like this (not much i know :) )

${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 60 60 100% 8u ".Net Framework"

Thanks for your help.


${IfThen} $installedindicator = 1 ${|} EnableWindow $CHECKBOX_FRAMEWORK 0 ${|}

Cool it works, thanks !

I need to make a similar thing, but I cannot gray the checkbox...

Here is a (simplified) piece of my code :

nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
Pop $0

${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 30 50u 90% 12u "blah"

I have tried differents methods, but none worked :

System::Call 'user32::EnableWindow (i $REMOVE_CHECK_DB, b 0)i.r0'

EnableWindow $REMOVE_CHECK_DB 0

I have used the ${DEBUG} macro, DebugView and Spy++ to control that the HWND is correct, though

FWIW, that code is on a custom page of the uninstaller...
On what side of the keyboard is the problem ?
Thanks for any help.