Archive: Force Next

Force Next
I'm using MUI and am showing a custom page after the standard Install page. This custom page shows the progress of a follow-up installation procedure. Once it completes, I want it to move to the Finish page. AutoCloseWindow or SetAutoClose seem only to affect the Install page. Any suggestions?

If you're using the ExecDos plug-in for this, you can trigger the Next button using Go to NSIS page on the NSIS Wiki.


The "Go to NSIS Page" doesn't work for me. I am not using ExecDos to perform my secondary installation procedure. I've written my own plugin to do this. The main install places critical update files into my application folder, then the plugin connects to a database engine and moves the updates into the database.

So, here is what I'm trying to accomlish. The user selects the database in which to install the update and enters his/her login credentials. The install page runs, placing the update files into a specific subfolder. Then my custom install page appears (no progress bar, just an edit control) to show the status of the update process. I want this custom install to behave just like the standard install. I want it to have a disabled Next button (which I've done) and to move to the Finish page automatically.

Currently, I'm executing the update process during the creator_function after I show page. Clearly, I can't seem to abort or send the BM_CLICK message to the Next button during this function. But the leave_function won't execute until the user clicks the Next button--which is disabled.

Is there something I'm missing here? Will I be forced to have some external autoclick program do this for me?