Archive: Leave installer page with custom dialog button

Leave installer page with custom dialog button
I have a custom page on which I've created an About... button. When I click this button, I want to move to the next custom page (the about page). From there I'll use the Back button to get back to the main install page and continue.

On the main install page I have the next button disabled until all conditions are met. Is there a command or window message I can assign to the About... button OnClick function to move the installer to the next custom page?

For now, my OnClick function just enables and clicks (BM_CLICK) the Install button to move to the next page.

Above all that, is there a way to have a button arbitrarily move to some other installer page out of order?

Lastly, what are the commands/window messages/whatever used by the standard Back, Next, Install, Cancel buttons? And can I change them?

For my custom pages I am using nsDialogs. Thanks!!

Thanks! That's very useful. How bout that last part?

Lastly, what are the commands/window messages/whatever used by the standard Back, Next, Install, Cancel buttons? And can I change them?

Also is there a list of DlgItem numbers somewhere? I found -
1028/1256=branding text

EDIT - I found a bunch for MUI2 inside Interface.nsh. Is that the only place?

One more thing, is there a way to create a button on the bottom of the dialog in the same level as Install/Back/Cancel? I'd like to put my About... button down there.

Use Resource Hacker to add the button to UIs\modern.exe (and to get control item id's) and use the ButtonEvent plug-in to make the button do something.


Alright, I've got it all set up. The custom button is there, and the plugin lets me use it. However it only works once. My first page comes up, I can click my About button and get to the About page, then I return with the Back button to the first page, and the About button no longer works. Any idea why?

EDIT - nevermind. I moved the ButtonEvent:: code above my nsDialogs:: code and now it works. Cool! Thanks so much for the tips!