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- InstallDirRegKey and Uninstaller
Archive: InstallDirRegKey and Uninstaller
31st August 2007 14:02 UTC
InstallDirRegKey and Uninstaller
I use both functions
InstallDir ${path}
InstallDirRegKey HKLM ${mainpath} "InstallLocation"
in directory page by running I change the path.
Uninstaller uses old path.
Schall Uninstaller read the registry for new path?
31st August 2007 14:27 UTC
Taken from the Help File.. Should help..
The installation directory ($INSTDIR is modifiable using StrCpy, ReadRegStr, ReadINIStr, etc. - This could be used, for example, in the .onInit function to do a more advanced detection of install location).
Note that in uninstaller code, $INSTDIR contains the directory where the uninstaller lies. It does not necessarily contain the same value it contained in the installer. For example, if you write the uninstaller to $WINDIR and the user doesn't move it, $INSTDIR will be $WINDIR in the uninstaller. If you write the uninstaller to another location, you should keep the installer's $INSTDIR in the registry or an alternative storing facility and read it in the uninstaller.
3rd September 2007 17:29 UTC
it would mean:
Section "Uninstall"
I will do a MessageBox that ask, delete or not,
if $INSTDIR not like default install location.
I expected, that InstallDirRegKey set $INSTDIR
by running of uninstaller.
4th September 2007 13:20 UTC
urrr.... no
I think you understand wrong about $WINDIR (The help file was just talking about $WINDIR as an example, for those BAD installers that place the Uninstaller program inside WINDOWS directory)
My recommendation would be to generate your Uninstaller in the $INSTDIR directory, rather than in $WINDIR
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
WriteUninstaller "Uninstall.exe"
So that when the Uninstaller is run (from inside the installation dir), the $INSTDIR is already correct, and match the directory choosen by the user in the installer
4th September 2007 13:29 UTC
normally is it so,
but somebody can choose c:\windows or c\programm files as install directory.
or one can move unistaller into other directories without intent.
I use
Function .onVerifyInstDir
${If} "$INSTDIR" == "$WINDIR"
but if deinstaller delete only files and dirs, that were installed, it's no problem.
I used RMDir /r $INSTDIR and it's wrong.
must be corrected.
4th September 2007 13:39 UTC
if you delete only the files you installed, then it should be ok
if you do a RMDir /r $INSTDIR, then you might have a problem
But if a user choose the "Program Files" or WINDOWS directory to install a program, he is going to be in trouble anyway
(for example, you might be replacing an existing -potentially system- file during installation)
I myself have used RMDir /r $INSTDIR in some of my installation scripts, so I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't add a .onVerifyInstDir function like you suggest, just to prevent a dumb user from doing something bad
4th September 2007 13:43 UTC
If you really want to handle the case where the user moved the uninstaller without intent, you might want to compare the $INSTDIR with the path taken for the registry (Add/Remove program) if you use it
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\<your_app>" "InstallLocation"
and then prompt a dialog if the path are different
4th September 2007 14:29 UTC
the good way.
my installer hadn't directory page,
InstDir was hardcoded.
I generated and put uninstaller on cd with installer.
But after adding directroy page, I become this questions with uninstaller pathes.
possible, it's not good idea, to put uninstaller on cd.
(for example if user delete uninstaller).
RMDir /r $INSTDIR is very dangerously.
Now, my uninstaller delete the directories, that were copied by installer.
I have a custom unpage with checkbox (Delete $INSTDIR?)
(would be good to implement this checkbox into directory page) and if $INSTDIR after deleting of directories and files is empty, I delete it too.
StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR"
Call un.DeleteDirIfEmpty
4th September 2007 15:22 UTC
if user set in directory page c:\windows\assembly\.. for example.
also it's not really protected with this version of .onVerifyInstDir