Archive: Q: Registering DLL's to the GAC with gacutil2

Q: Registering DLL's to the GAC with gacutil2
Has anyone had any success running up GacUtil2 (as mentioned in)
and available from

Looks like its been written using MonoDevelop. I don't currently have one, and build an environment to support this is time consuming and nasty !

I'm getting errors running GacUtil2.exe

C:\Program Files\Skype Google Desktop Indexer>gacutil2 /i log4net.dll

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: parsing "(\s|^)(?<match>(-{1,2}|/)(?)(?<value>(\+|-){0,1}))(?=(\s|$))" - Quantifier {x,y} following nothing.
Parameter name: (\s|^)(?<match>(-{1,2}|/)(?)(?<value>(\+|-){0,1}))(?=(\s|$))
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser.ScanRegex()
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser.Parse(String re, RegexOptions op)
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex..ctor(String pattern, RegexOptions options)
at RJH.CommandLineHelper.Parser.HandleSwitches()
at GacUtil2.MainClass.Main(String[] args)

Thanks in advance!
Adam Bradley

A better way?
Of course, I'm always happy to learn of a better way if there is one :)


Found a more recent (and working) version in a SharpDevelop distribution (even found a .NET 1.1 version!).

Find it here


Can you post the links as plain text? The forum's anti-spam tools don't let new users post links.

I'm interested in these links myself. We're about a month away from releasing the .NET version of our application, and I'm researching how to use shared .dll's. Using relative paths in a .exe.config file is very promising for us. But if I can use the GAC in a clean easy way, I'd prefer that instead.

Sharpdevelop contains a recent version of gacutil2 and is available from www dot icsharpcode dot net/OpenSource/SD/


Thanks guys, this worked for me.

I had to get a binary of gacutil2.exe from the SharpDevelop 2.0 SVN source tree for it to work (but if I try recompiling it using a .NET 3.0/2.0 CLR environment, I get the same error as Adam).

During installation I deploy gacutil2 along side the assemblies that need to be installed to the GAC, nsExec::Exec '"${PATH}\gacutil2.exe" /i my.dll', and delete gacutil2.

Same strategy for uninstall, depoy gacutil2 alongside, exec with '/u my.dll', and delete gacutil2.

I'll follow up after we test and ship if I've got any lessons learned/advice.
