Archive: Inetc post urlencode unicode

Inetc post urlencode unicode
We are trying to figure a way to use the Inetc plugin post method with parameters that need to be urlencoded using unicode.

Does anyone know of a way to do this?
Does anyone have some NSIS script snippet that does this?

Thanks for you time.

Can you explain where do you want to use unicode: in URL encoded parameters (will be sent in http header, no ideas how to use unicode) or in the post message (http body, may be unicode I guess). Please note HEADER Inetc option (may be used to define content type in the second case):
Adds or replaces http request header. Common HEADER_TEXT format is "header: value".

At a minimum we need the body to be urlencoded.
We have text input for a form that needs conversion into urlencoded format and then POSTed.

While NSIS installers not use unicode, IMHO best way is to modify plug-in - for POST request conver user input ASCII string to unicode (in plug-in' C code) and use it in request. And do not forget to set correct charset in content type header.
Edited: BTW KAV reports not-a-virus:FraudTool.Win32.Takedawnload.a (detected May 21 2007, last plug-in update August 11 2007) on some test samples built using inetc.dll. Hackers use inetc? :)