Archive: Skip custom page

Skip custom page
Hello everyone,

Is it possible to skip a custom page, depending on
a certain variable. Suppose I only want to show a
certain page when a certain condition is fulfilled,
how do I do that?

Many thanks,


Taken from Help file:

Page license skipLicense "" stayInLicense
Page custom customPage "" ": custom page"
Page instfiles

Function skipLicense
MessageBox MB_YESNO "Do you want to skip the license page?" IDNO no

you can replace the MessageBox by a test condition

Yes, but I wanted to skip the custom page.
However, I already discovered that inside the Function
corresponding to that page, I should simply not make a call to "!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_SHOW" in case I don´t want to show the page


To skip a custom page, simply don't call the plug-in that shows the page, or use Abort in custom page function.