Archive: Double installer

Double installer
I have separate installers for two related programs. Can I write one script for them and generate separate uninstallers? I thought I was succeeding, by altering variables such as ${PRODUCT_NAME_1} and ${PRODUCT_NAME_2}, and PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY_1 and PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY_2.

However, when I came to the uninstaller, I did not know how to proceed with separate installers, unable to detect or distinguish between the names of the products within the uninstaller code.

I would appreciate some comment and direction. Thank you.

All those variables are very specific to your script and are not common for every script. It's hard to say whether you can adept your script to build another installer/uninstaller without seeing it.

If you have some defines that you want to compare and change the script accordingly, you can use !if ${PRODUCT_NAME_1} == "something".

kichik, thank you very much for commenting. I relied on the last character of the parent folder of each uninstaller as the distinguishing flag. After about a day and a half of work, the result is a very clean "double" installer. I had expected it to be quick and easy, but it turned out to be quite tricky for me.