Archive: error opening file for writing

error opening file for writing
first i want to say sorry!!

i am total new to createing installers.
i tried to make an installer that copies 2 folders (from the cd) to the programmfiles.

i used the "example1.nsi" file from the example folder.
there i named the file to write, the install directory.

in "pages" i didnt do anything.

and under the stuff to install i added "file /r"

now when i run the "installer.exe" i cant install because i get the message "error opening file for writing".

i could not find (or understand) any further hints in the manual and in the faq... :(


; The name of the installer
Name "UWA"

; The file to write
OutFile "Install.exe"

; The default installation directory
InstallDir c:\Programme\UWA_Test


; Pages

Page directory
Page instfiles


; The stuff to install
Section "" ;No components page, name is not important
File /r UWA

; Set output path to the installation directory.

; Put file there
File example1.nsi

SectionEnd ; end the section

thanks for any hint

What's UWA? If is a folder, try wildcards..

File /r UWA\*.*

"UWA" is the folder i want to copy (with all its content)

You must first use SetOutPath and only then use File or else it won't know where to put the files and will fail, just as it fails in your case.