Archive: Strange vista bug

Strange vista bug

I've got an app which installs and then runs itself.

On XP it always works fine.

On Vista, when the installer tries to run the app (using exec), the application runs, but without arguments.

If I don't have it run automatically after installation, and instead double click on the start menu link it works fine.

If I uninstall, and reinstall, it runs with arguments on installation.

If I uninstall, and install *another* slightly different build the app runs without arguments again.

Any suggestions?

It would be nice if you showed us your execute instruction.



Exec "xulrunner.exe application.ini"

Try a full path:
Exec `"$INSTDIR\xulrunner.exe" "application.ini"`


I tried that. I also tried:

* Using all permutations of quotes, folder references, starting folders.
* Running it from the start menu link
* Using nsExec, UAC...
* Creating a separate exe which I run first, which then runs it.

Same thing each time.

If UAC is not the problem, I'm with Afrow on the paths. Try using full paths for both the executable and the INI.

I tried full paths on both.

Then it's UAC. When you say you've tried UAC, do you mean Anders' UAC plug-in?

Could it be a current directory issue? (even with full paths)

When you say UAC, are you talking about using "RequestExecutionLevel admin" in the script, or the UAC plugin?

My UAC plugin tries to be smart and add quotes if it thinks it is needed, this might be messing things up. If you can confirm that you are using UAC::Exec and it fails, I will try to look into it (but if a plain exec in a elevated installer instance fails, I'm not sure if there is anything my plugin can do about it)

The fact that a different build breaks even if you did the startmenu thing to make it work for another install leads me to believe that Vista might store a hash or something of your program along with some kind of compatibility setting. What if you just replace the exe(no uninstall/reinstall) after you "fixed" it by running it from the start menu?

>Then it's UAC. When you say you've tried UAC, do you mean
>Anders' UAC plug-in?

Yep. If it's definitely UAC, do you know how I might fix it?

I hate repeating myself, but, when you say UAC, are you talking about the UAC plugin ( ) or just UAC in general?

Yep as in yes I used the UAC plugin (which didn't do anything different, although I may have been misusing it).

could you upload your script (or a minimal version with the same problem)?

This is due to a bug in Mozilla