Archive: Delete autostart reg

Delete autostart reg

I created a registry entry to autostart my programm with windows...

WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "Programm 1.75" "$INSTDIR\programm.exe"

...can someone show me the code how to uninstall this reg entry? I tried...

DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "Programm 1.75"

...but it didn´t worked...



DeleteRegValue should work. If you use DeleteRegKey you would probably delete the complete Run key, which will affect all other autostart items that are in it.

Is there anything unusual about how you are trying to uninstall this value? Is this Vista, or is the uninstall done as a user instead of Administrator (I don't know if the Run key needs administrator rights, but there's a possibility that it does)?


Hey, thanks for replies :)

Is there anything unusual about how you are trying to uninstall this value?
No...i think

Is this Vista

or is the uninstall done as a user instead of Administrator
