Archive: Problems (and I have NO MORE TIME)

Problems (and I have NO MORE TIME)
I've created and application that runs off-line (of course) and I'm having problems with nsis...:

-When I try installing the application on other location than predefined, uninstallation doesn't delete shorcuts from start menu. On Vista, uninstalling process works fine untill it starts deleting start menu and shortcuts... uninstalling stops without deleting them! Again, it only happens when installing the app on other location than predefined.

-I create a link (url) on start menu that just don't work on Vista. I mean, you can click on it but it does nothing...

Any idea?

And a new one....

How can I prevent users form installing the program in other location than predefined? I want to deshabilitate this option.

just remove the directory page then

But I want just to deshabilitate not no delete.. I don't want users to change the directory..

It looks like you don't create the links proberly
mayby you have a hardcoded link for it.
it should look something like

CreateShortcut "$SMPROGRAMS\$R0\myProductName.lnk" $INSTDIR\MyProgramm.exe "" 

in R0 there is a userselected Name for the Productfolder (this can be hardcoded if you don't want it to change)

To help you further/better we probably need the code of your script!